import pandas as pd
# 假设DataFrame是这样的:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'year': [2014, 2015, 2016, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2014, 2015, 2016],
'province': ['广东省', '广东省', '河南省',
'湖南省', '北京市', '北京市',
'上海市', '新疆维吾尔自治区', '上海市'],
'values': [100, 150, 75,
120, 80, 200,
110, 200, 190]
from pyecharts import options as opts
from pyecharts.charts import Map, Timeline
from pyecharts.globals import CurrentConfig, NotebookType
# 设置jupyter lab可视的前提条件
CurrentConfig.NOTEBOOK_TYPE = NotebookType.JUPYTER_LAB
# 按照年份对DataFrame进行分组,以便为每个年份创建地图
grouped_df = df.groupby('year')
t = Timeline()
# 遍历分组后的数据,为每个年份创建地图并添加到Timeline中
for year, year_df in grouped_df:
# 创建Map对象,并添加数据
map_chart = (
.add(series_name="商家A", data_pair=year_df[['province', 'values']].to_numpy(), maptype="china")
.set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=False)) # 是否显示省份名称
visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(max_=df['values'].quantile()) # 默认值min_=0, max_=100。即是否用不同深浅的颜色填充MAP
# 将地图添加到Timeline中,并设置时间点的名称
t.add(chart=map_chart, time_point="{}年".format(year)) # def timeline.add(self, chart: Base, time_point: str):
# github docu: pyecharts/options/
class LabelOpts(BasicOpts):
def __init__(
is_show: bool = True,
position: Optional[Union[str, Sequence]] = None,
color: Optional[str] = None,
distance: Union[Numeric, Sequence, None] = None,
font_size: Optional[Numeric] = None,
font_style: Optional[str] = None,
font_weight: Optional[str] = None,
font_family: Optional[str] = None,
rotate: Optional[Numeric] = None,
margin: Optional[Numeric] = 8,
interval: Union[Numeric, str, None] = None,
horizontal_align: Optional[str] = None,
vertical_align: Optional[str] = None,
formatter: Optional[JSFunc] = None,
background_color: Optional[str] = None,
border_color: Optional[str] = None,
border_width: Optional[Numeric] = None,
border_radius: Optional[Numeric] = None,
padding: Union[Numeric, Sequence[Numeric], None] = None,
text_width: Optional[Numeric] = None,
text_height: Optional[Numeric] = None,
overflow: Optional[str] = None,
rich: Optional[dict] = None,
self.opts: dict = {
"show": is_show,
"position": position,
"color": color,
"distance": distance,
"rotate": rotate,
"margin": margin,
"interval": interval,
"fontSize": font_size,
"fontStyle": font_style,
"fontWeight": font_weight,
"fontFamily": font_family,
"align": horizontal_align,
"verticalAlign": vertical_align,
"formatter": formatter,
"backgroundColor": background_color,
"borderColor": border_color,
"borderWidth": border_width,
"borderRadius": border_radius,
"padding": padding,
"width": text_width,
"height": text_height,
"overflow": overflow,
"rich": rich,
# github docu: pyecharts/options/
class TitleOpts(BasicOpts):
def __init__(
is_show: bool = True,
title: Optional[str] = None,
title_link: Optional[str] = None,
title_target: Optional[str] = "blank",
subtitle: Optional[str] = None,
subtitle_link: Optional[str] = None,
subtitle_target: Optional[str] = "blank",
pos_left: Optional[str] = None,
pos_right: Optional[str] = None,
pos_top: Optional[str] = None,
pos_bottom: Optional[str] = None,
padding: Union[Sequence, Numeric] = 5,
item_gap: Numeric = 10,
text_align: str = "auto",
text_vertical_align: str = "auto",
is_trigger_event: bool = False,
title_textstyle_opts: Union[TextStyleOpts, dict, None] = None,
subtitle_textstyle_opts: Union[TextStyleOpts, dict, None] = None,
self.opts: Sequence = [
"show": is_show,
"text": title,
"link": title_link,
"target": title_target,
"subtext": subtitle,
"sublink": subtitle_link,
"subtarget": subtitle_target,
"left": pos_left,
"right": pos_right,
"top": pos_top,
"bottom": pos_bottom,
"padding": padding,
"itemGap": item_gap,
"textAlign": text_align,
"textVerticalAlign": text_vertical_align,
"triggerEvent": is_trigger_event,
"textStyle": title_textstyle_opts,
"subtextStyle": subtitle_textstyle_opts,
# github docu: pyecharts/options/
class VisualMapOpts(BasicOpts):
def __init__(
is_show: bool = True,
type_: str = "color",
min_: Numeric = 0,
max_: Numeric = 100,
range_: Sequence[Numeric] = None,
range_text: Optional[Sequence] = None,
range_color: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
range_size: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
range_opacity: Union[Numeric, Sequence[Numeric]] = None,
orient: str = "vertical",
pos_left: Optional[str] = None,
pos_right: Optional[str] = None,
pos_top: Optional[str] = None,
pos_bottom: Optional[str] = None,
padding: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 5,
split_number: int = 5,
series_index: Union[Numeric, Sequence, None] = None,
is_hover_link: bool = True,
dimension: Optional[Numeric] = None,
is_calculable: bool = True,
is_piecewise: bool = False,
is_inverse: bool = False,
precision: Optional[int] = None,
pieces: Optional[Sequence] = None,
out_of_range: Optional[dict] = None,
item_width: int = 0,
item_height: int = 0,
background_color: Optional[str] = None,
border_color: Optional[str] = None,
border_width: int = 0,
textstyle_opts: Union[TextStyleOpts, dict, None] = None,
_inrange_op: dict = {}
if type_ == "color":
range_color = range_color or ["#50a3ba", "#eac763", "#d94e5d"]
elif type_ == "size":
range_size = range_size or [20, 50]
if range_opacity is not None:
_visual_typ = "piecewise" if is_piecewise else "continuous"
if is_piecewise and item_width == 0 and item_height == 0:
item_width, item_height = 20, 14
elif item_width == 0 and item_height == 0:
item_width, item_height = 20, 140
self.opts: dict = {
"show": is_show,
"type": _visual_typ,
"min": min_,
"max": max_,
"text": range_text,
"textStyle": textstyle_opts,
"range": range_,
"inRange": _inrange_op,
"calculable": is_calculable,
"inverse": is_inverse,
"precision": precision,
"splitNumber": split_number,
"dimension": dimension,
"seriesIndex": series_index,
"hoverLink": is_hover_link,
"orient": orient,
"left": pos_left,
"top": pos_top,
"bottom": pos_bottom,
"right": pos_right,
"padding": padding,
"showLabel": True,
"itemWidth": item_width,
"itemHeight": item_height,
"outOfRange": out_of_range,
"backgroundColor": background_color,
"borderColor": border_color,
"borderWidth": border_width,
if is_piecewise: