
news2024/9/29 3:30:02


  • 比较
  • C. Loo模型:直射阴影,多径不阴影
  • Corazza模型:直射和多径都阴影
  • Lutz模型:好坏2个状态
  • Rayleigh and Rician 信道生成
  • Shadowed-Rician 直射径 散射径
    • [Secure Transmission in Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Networks](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7583691)
    • [Resource Allocations for Secure Cognitive Satellite-Terrestrial Networks](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8048011)
  • the generalized-K model
  • Ka频段 自由空间损耗 雨衰 波束增益
  • L个散射体的阵列响应



  1. C.Loo模型和Corazza模型适用于描述非静止轨道卫星信道的传播特性
  2. C.Loo模型只适用于乡村信道环境,
  3. C.Loo模型拟合参数时依据的实测数据来自于模拟卫星的直升机所发射的信号;

C. Loo模型:直射阴影,多径不阴影

A statistical model for a land mobile satellite link
Chun Loo, “A statistical model for a land mobile satellite link,” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 122-127, Aug. 1985, doi: 10.1109/T-VT.1985.24048.

C. Loo模型接收信号包络的概率密度函数
f r ( r ) = ∫ 0 ∞ f r ( r ∣ z ) f z ( z ) d z = r b 0 2 π d 0 ∫ 0 ∞ 1 z exp ⁡ [ − ( ln ⁡ z − μ ) 2 2 d 0 − ( r 2 + z 2 ) 2 b 0 ] dz  {f_r}\left( r \right) = \int_0^\infty {{f_r}\left( {r\left| z \right.} \right){f_z}\left( z \right)dz = \frac{r}{{{{\text{b}}_{\text{0}}}\sqrt {2\pi {d_0}} }}\int_0^\infty {\frac{1}{z}\exp \left[ { - \frac{{{{\left( {\ln z - \mu } \right)}^2}}}{{2{d_0}}} - \frac{{\left( {{r^2} + {z^2}} \right)}}{{2{b_0}}}} \right]} } {\text{dz }} fr(r)=0fr(rz)fz(z)dz=b02πd0 r0z1exp[2d0(lnzμ)22b0(r2+z2)]dz 


f r ( r ) = ∫ 0 ∞ f r ( r ∣ s ) f s ( s )  =  2 ( k + 1 ) r h σ s 2 π exp ⁡ ( − k ) ∫ 0 ∞ exp ⁡ [ − ( k + 1 ) r 2 s 2 − ( ln ⁡ s − μ ) 2 2 ( h σ ) 2 ] I 0 ( 2 r k ( k + 1 ) s ) d s {f_r}\left( r \right) = \int_0^\infty {{f_r}\left( {r\left| s \right.} \right){f_s}\left( s \right)} {\text{ = }}\frac{{{\text{2}}\left( {{\text{k + 1}}} \right)r}}{{h\sigma s\sqrt {2\pi } }}\exp \left( { - k} \right)\int_0^\infty {\exp \left[ { - \frac{{\left( {k + 1} \right){r^2}}}{{{s^2}}} - \frac{{{{\left( {\ln s - \mu } \right)}^2}}}{{2{{\left( {h\sigma } \right)}^2}}}} \right]} {I_0}\left( {\frac{{2r\sqrt {k\left( {k + 1} \right)} }}{s}} \right)ds fr(r)=0fr(rs)fs(s) = s2π 2(k + 1)rexp(k)0exp[s2(k+1)r22()2(lnsμ)2]I0(s2rk(k+1) )ds
K ( α )  =  k 0  +  k 1 α  +  k 2 α 2 μ ( α )  =  μ 0  +  μ 1 α  +  μ 2 α 2  +  μ 3 α 3 σ ( α )  =  σ 0  +  σ 1 α   {\text{K}}\left( \alpha \right){\text{ = }}{{\text{k}}_{\text{0}}}{\text{ + }}{{\text{k}}_{\text{1}}}\alpha {\text{ + }}{{\text{k}}_{\text{2}}}{\alpha ^{\text{2}}} \\ \mu \left( \alpha \right){\text{ = }}{\mu _{\text{0}}}{\text{ + }}{\mu _{\text{1}}}\alpha {\text{ + }}{\mu _{\text{2}}}{\alpha ^{\text{2}}}{\text{ + }}{\mu _{\text{3}}}{\alpha ^{\text{3}}} \\ \sigma \left( \alpha \right){\text{ = }}{\sigma _{\text{0}}}{\text{ + }}{\sigma _{\text{1}}}\alpha {\text{ }} K(α) = k0 + k1α + k2α2μ(α) = μ0 + μ1α + μ2α2 + μ3α3σ(α) = σ0 + σ1α 



f s _ r i c i a n ( s ) = c exp ⁡ [ − c ( s + 1 ) ] I 0 ( 2 c s ) {f_{s\_rician}}\left( s \right) = c\exp \left[ { - c\left( {s + 1} \right)} \right]{I_0}\left( {2c\sqrt s } \right) fs_rician(s)=cexp[c(s+1)]I0(2cs )
C为归一化因子,c = 1/(2σ2)

f s _ r a y l _ L N ( s )  =  ∫ 0 ∞ f s ( s ∣ s 0 ) f s 0 ( s 0 ) d s 0  =  10 σ ln10 2 π ∫ 0 ∞ 1 s 0 2 exp [  -  s s 0 − ( 10 log ⁡ 10 s 0 − μ ) 2 2 σ 2 ]   {f_{s\_rayl\_LN}}\left( {\text{s}} \right){\text{ = }}\int_{\text{0}}^\infty {{{\text{f}}_{\text{s}}}\left( {s\left| {{s_0}} \right.} \right){f_{s0}}\left( {{s_0}} \right)} {\text{d}}{{\text{s}}_{\text{0}}} \\ {\text{ = }}\frac{{{\text{10}}}}{{\sigma {\text{ln10}}\sqrt {{\text{2}}\pi } }}\int_{\text{0}}^\infty {\frac{{\text{1}}}{{{{\text{s}}_{\text{0}}}^{\text{2}}}}} {\text{exp}}\left[ {{\text{ - }}\frac{{\text{s}}}{{{{\text{s}}_{\text{0}}}}} - \frac{{{{\left( {10{{\log }_{10}}{s_0} - \mu } \right)}^2}}}{{2{\sigma ^2}}}} \right]{\text{ }} fs_rayl_LN(s) = 0fs(ss0)fs0(s0)ds0 = σln102π 100s021exp[ - s0s2σ2(10log10s0μ)2] 
S0 为短时平均接收功率

f s ( s )  =  ( 1 - A ) f s_rician ( s )  + A f s_rayl_LN ( s ) {f_s}\left( {\text{s}} \right){\text{ = }}\left( {{\text{1 - A}}} \right){{\text{f}}_{{\text{s\_rician}}}}\left( {\text{s}} \right){\text{ + A}}{{\text{f}}_{{\text{s\_rayl\_LN}}}}\left( {\text{s}} \right) fs(s) = (1 - A)fs_rician(s) + Afs_rayl_LN(s)

Rayleigh and Rician 信道生成

2.4.2 Rayleigh and Rician fading
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication

Rayleigh channel (NLoS), Rician channel (LoS)

B = 180 k H z B = 180kHz B=180kHz

Noise power spectral density
N 0 = 1 0 − 170 10 m W / H z {N_0} = {10^{\frac{{ - 170}}{{10}}}}mW/Hz N0=1010170mW/Hz
N 0 , d B m = − 170 d B m / H z {N_{0,dBm}} = - 170dBm/Hz N0,dBm=170dBm/Hz
Noise power
P N = N 0 B ( m W ) = 1 0 − 170 10 × 180000 ( m W ) {P_N} = {N_0}B\left( {mW} \right)= {10^{{{ - 170} \over {10}}}} \times 180000\left( {mW} \right) PN=N0B(mW)=1010170×180000(mW)
P N , d B m = 10 log ⁡ 10 ( P N ) = N 0 , d B m + 10 log ⁡ 10 ( B ) ( d B m ) = − 170 + 10 log ⁡ 10 ( 180000 ) ( d B m ) {P_{N,dBm}} = 10{\log _{10}}\left( {{P_N}} \right) = {N_{0,dBm}} + 10{\log _{10}}\left( B \right)\left( {dBm} \right) = - 170 + 10{\log _{10}}\left( {180000} \right)\left( {dBm} \right) PN,dBm=10log10(PN)=N0,dBm+10log10(B)(dBm)=170+10log10(180000)(dBm)

L ( d , f ) = ( 4 π d f c ) 2 L\left( {d,f} \right) = {\left( {{{4\pi df} \over c}} \right)^2} L(d,f)=(c4πdf)2
L d B ( d , f ) = 10 log ⁡ 10 ( L ( d , f ) ) ( d B ) L_{dB}\left( {d,f} \right) = 10{\log _{10}}\left( {L\left( {d,f} \right)} \right)\left( {dB} \right) LdB(d,f)=10log10(L(d,f))(dB)

α ( d , f ) = L ( d , f ) − 1 / P N = 10 − L d B ( d , f ) 10 / 10 P N , d B m 10 = 10 − P N , d B m − L d B ( d , f ) 10 \alpha \left( {d,f} \right) = \sqrt {L{{\left( {d,f} \right)}^{ - 1}}/P_N} = \sqrt {{{10}^{{{ - L_{dB}\left( {d,f} \right)} \over {10}}}}/{{10}^{{{P_{N,dBm}} \over {10}}}}} = \sqrt {{{10}^{{{ - P_{N,dBm}- L_{dB}\left( {d,f} \right)} \over {10}}}}} α(d,f)=L(d,f)1/PN =1010LdB(d,f)/1010PN,dBm =1010PN,dBmLdB(d,f)

1 M-antenna transmitter → 1 single-antenna receiver
h N L O S = 1 / 2 ( c + j e ) ∈ C M × 1 {{\bf{h}}_{NLOS}} = \sqrt {1/2} \left( {{\bf{c}} + j{\bf{e}}} \right) \in {{\Bbb C}^{M \times 1}} hNLOS=1/2 (c+je)CM×1
h R a y l e i g h ( d , f ) = α ( d , f ) h N L O S ∈ C M × 1 {{\bf{h}}_{Rayleigh}}\left( {d,f} \right) = \alpha \left( {d,f} \right){{\bf{h}}_{NLOS}} \in {{\Bbb C}^{M \times 1}} hRayleigh(d,f)=α(d,f)hNLOSCM×1
h R i c i a n ( d , f ) = α ( d , f ) ( ε 1 + ε a ( θ ) + 1 1 + ε h N L O S ) ∈ C M × 1 {{\bf{h}}_{Rician}}\left( {d,f} \right) = \alpha \left( {d,f} \right)\left( {\sqrt {\frac{\varepsilon }{{1 + \varepsilon }}} {\bf{a}}\left( \theta \right) + \sqrt {\frac{1}{{1 + \varepsilon }}} {{\bf{h}}_{NLOS}}} \right) \in {{\Bbb C}^{M \times 1}} hRician(d,f)=α(d,f)(1+εε a(θ)+1+ε1 hNLOS)CM×1

Shadowed-Rician 直射径 散射径


Although some mathematical models, such as those of Loo, Barts–Stutzman, and Karasawa et al.,have been developed to describe the satellite channel, the shadowed-Rician model proposed in [19] is a popular model, which provides a significantly less computational burden than other channel models.

Secure Transmission in Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Networks

K. An, M. Lin, J. Ouyang and W. -P. Zhu, “Secure Transmission in Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Networks,” in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 3025-3037, Nov. 2016, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2016.2615261.

Given a receiver’s position within the satellite spot beam coverage area, the beam gain factor can be approximated as [1], [2]
b ( φ ) = ( J 1 ( u ) 2 u + 36 J 3 ( u ) u 3 ) 2 b\left ({ \varphi }\right ) = \left ({ {\frac {J_{1}\left ({ u }\right )}{2u} + 36\frac {J_{3}\left ({ u}\right )}{{u_{}^{3}}}} }\right )_{}^{2} b(φ)=(2uJ1(u)+36u3J3(u))2
u = 2.07123 sin ⁡ φ sin ⁡ φ 3 d B u = 2.07123\frac {\sin \varphi }{\sin \varphi _{\mathrm{3dB}}} u=2.07123sinφ3dBsinφ
φ \varphi φ is the angle between the location of the corresponding receiver and the beam center with respect to the satellite, and φ 3 d B \varphi _{\mathrm{3dB}} φ3dB is the 3-dB angle.

The satellite channels are usually modeled by composite fading distributions to accurately describe the statistical properties of the signal envelope.
Although existing statistical models, such as Loo, Barts-Stutzman, and Karasawa, have been presented to describe the satellite channel, the Shadowed-Rician (SR) model proposed in [33] has been widely used in related work.
In this model, the channel fading coefficient g ˉ \bar g gˉ is described as
g ˉ = A exp ⁡ ( j ψ ) + Z exp ⁡ ( j ζ ) \bar g = A\exp \left ({ {j\psi } }\right ) + Z\exp \left ({ {j\zeta } }\right ) gˉ=Aexp(jψ)+Zexp(jζ)
ψ ψ ψ is a stationary random phase vector with elements uniformly distributed over [ 0 , 2 π ) [0,2π) [0,2π) ,
ζ ζ ζ the deterministic phase vector of the LOS component.
A A A and Z Z Z are the amplitudes of the scattering and the LOS components, which are independent stationary random processes following Rayleigh and Nakagami- m m m distributions respectively.

The SR fading distribution can be characterized as g ˉ ∼ S R ( Ω , b , m ) { \bar g} \sim \mathrm {SR}\left ({ {\Omega ,b,m} }\right ) gˉSR(Ω,b,m) with
Ω \Omega Ω being the average power of the LoS component,
2 b 2b 2b the average power of the multipath component, and
m m m the Nakagami- m m m parameter corresponding to the fading severity.

Combining (33) and (35), the overall channel for satellite link can be modeled as
g = b ( φ ) g ˉ g = \sqrt {b\left ({ {\varphi} }\right )} \bar g g=b(φ) gˉ

φ 3 d B = 0.4 / 180 ∗ π \varphi _{3\mathrm {dB}}=0.4/180*\pi φ3dB=0.4/180π

Resource Allocations for Secure Cognitive Satellite-Terrestrial Networks

The SAT is equipped with N t N_t Nt -antennas
h = b ( φ ) h ~ \mathbf {h}=\sqrt {b(\varphi )}\tilde {\mathbf {h}} h=b(φ) h~
b ( φ ) = ( J 1 ( u ) 2 u + 36 J 3 ( u ) u 3 ) 2 b(\varphi )=\left ({\frac {J_{1}(u)}{2u}+36\frac {J_{3}(u)}{u^{3}} }\right )^{2} b(φ)=(2uJ1(u)+36u3J3(u))2
u = 2.07123 sin ⁡ φ sin ⁡ φ 3 d B u=2.07123\frac {\sin \varphi }{\sin \varphi _{3\mathrm {dB}}} u=2.07123sinφ3dBsinφ
h ~ = A exp ⁡ ( j ψ )  ⁣ +  ⁣ Z exp ⁡ ( j ϕ ) \tilde {\mathbf {h}}=A\exp (j\boldsymbol {\psi })\!+\!Z\exp (j\boldsymbol {\phi }) h~=Aexp(jψ)+Zexp(jϕ)
where b ( φ ) b(\varphi ) b(φ) is the corresponding beam gain factor, which is determined by their location.
φ \varphi φ is the angle between the corresponding receiver and the beam center, 怎么确定??
φ 3 d B = 0.4 / 180 ∗ π \varphi _{3\mathrm {dB}}=0.4/180*\pi φ3dB=0.4/180π is the 3-dB angle.
J 1 ( ⋅ ) J_{1}(\cdot ) J1() and J 3 ( ⋅ ) J_{3}(\cdot ) J3() represent the first-kind Bessel function of order 1 and 3.
h ~ ∈ C N t × 1 \tilde {\mathbf {h}}\in \mathbb {C}^{N_{t}\times 1} h~CNt×1 denotes the channel fading vector from SAT to the receiver, which include the scattering and the line-of-sight (LOS) components.
ψ ∈ [ 0 , 2 π ) \boldsymbol {\psi }\in [0,2\pi ) ψ[0,2π) denotes the stationary random phase 随机
ϕ \boldsymbol {\phi } ϕ denotes the deterministic phase of the LOS component. 怎么确定??
A A A and Z Z Z are the amplitudes of the scattering and the LOS components. 怎么确定??
The beam angles from SAT to PU, to Eve and to SU are set as 0.01°, 0.4° and 0.8°, respectively

the generalized-K model

K. P. Peppas, " Accurate closed-form approximations to generalised- $K$ sum distributions and applications in the performance analysis of equal-gain combining receivers ", IET Commun., vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 982-989, May 2011.
I. S. Ansari, S. Al-Ahmadi, F. Yilmaz, M.-S. Alouini, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “A new formula for the BER of binary modulations with dual-branch selection over generalized-K composite fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 2654–2658, Oct. 2011.

Energy Efficient Adaptive Transmissions in Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Networks With SER Constraints

Y. Ruan, Y. Li, C. -X. Wang, R. Zhang and H. Zhang, “Power Allocation in Cognitive Satellite-Vehicular Networks From Energy-Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff Perspective,” in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 318-329, June 2019, doi: 10.1109/TCCN.2019.2905199.

Ka频段 自由空间损耗 雨衰 波束增益

Physical Layer Security in Multibeam Satellite Systems

Z. Lin, M. Lin, J. -B. Wang, T. de Cola and J. Wang, “Joint Beamforming and Power Allocation for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks With Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access,” in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 657-670, June 2019, doi: 10.1109/JSTSP.2019.2899731. 不太一样自由空间损耗 雨衰 波束增益 阵列控制向量

M. Lin, C. Yin, Z. Lin, J. -B. Wang, T. de Cola and J. Ouyang, “Combined Beamforming with NOMA for Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Networks,” ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICC.2019.8761139.

Joint Beamforming for Secure Communication in Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Networks

the free space loss (FSL)
C L = ( λ 4 π d ) 2 {C_{L}} = {\left ({{\frac {\lambda }{{4\pi d }}} }\right)^{2}} CL=(4πdλ)2

the rain attenuation fading vector r ∈ C N s × 1 {\mathbf{r}} \in {C^{N_{s} \times 1}} rCNs×1 between the satellite antenna array and the ground user
r = ξ − 1 2 e − j p {\mathbf{r}} = {\xi ^{ - \frac {1}{2}}}{e^{ - j{\mathbf{p}}}} r=ξ21ejp
p {\mathbf{p}} p is the N s × 1 {N_{s}} \times 1 Ns×1 sized phase vector with its components uniformly distributed over [ 0 , 2 π ) [0,2π) [0,2π) 随机
According to ITU-R Recommendation P.1853 [39], the power gain due to rain attenuation in dB, ξ d B = 20 log ⁡ 10 ( ξ ) {\xi _{{\mathrm{dB}}}} = 20{\log _{10}}\left ({\xi }\right) ξdB=20log10(ξ) , commonly follows a lognormal distribution, namely, l n ( ξ d B ) ∼ C N ( μ , σ 2 ) {\mathrm{ln}}\left ({{{\xi _{{\mathrm{dB}}}}} }\right) \sim {\mathcal{ C}}{\mathcal{ N}}\left ({{\mu,{\sigma ^{2}}} }\right) ln(ξdB)CN(μ,σ2) , 随机
where μ \mu μ and σ \sigma σ , both expressed in dB, are the lognormal location and scale parameter, respectively.
μ = − 3.125 \mu=-3.125 μ=3.125
σ = 1.591 \sigma=1.591 σ=1.591

the antenna gain from the m m m -th on-board beam to the user
b m = b max ⁡ ( J 1 ( u m ) 2 u m + 36 J 3 ( u m ) u m 3 ) 2 {b_{m}} = {b_{\max }}{\left ({{\frac {{J_{1}\left ({{u_{m}} }\right)}}{{2{u_{m}}}} + 36\frac {{J_{3}\left ({{u_{m}} }\right)}}{u_{m}^{3}}} }\right)^{2}} bm=bmax(2umJ1(um)+36um3J3(um))2
b max ⁡ {b_{\max }} bmax is the maximal satellite antenna gain of the m m m -th beam,
u m = 2.07123 sin ⁡ ϕ m / 2.07123 sin ⁡ ϕ m sin ⁡ ( ϕ 3 d B ) m sin ⁡ ( ϕ 3 d B ) m {u_{m}} = {{2.07123\sin {\phi _{m}}} \mathord {\left /{ {\vphantom {{2.07123\sin {\phi _{m}}} {\sin {{\left ({{{\phi _{{\mathrm{3dB}}}}} }\right)}_{m}}}}} }\right. } {\sin {{\left ({{{\phi _{{\mathrm{3dB}}}}} }\right)}_{m}}}} um=2.07123sinϕm/2.07123sinϕmsin(ϕ3dB)msin(ϕ3dB)m , 怎么确定??
J 1 ( ⋅ ) {J_{1}}\left ({\cdot }\right) J1() and J 3 ( ⋅ ) {J_{3}}\left ({\cdot }\right) J3() the first-kind Bessel functions of order 1 and 3, respectively.

the overall satellite channel
f = C L r ⊙ b 1 2 {\mathbf{f}} = \sqrt {C_{L}} {\mathbf{r}} \odot {{\mathbf{b}}^{\frac {1}{2}}} f=CL rb21
b = [ b 1 , ⋯   , b N s ] T ∈ C N s × 1 {\mathbf{b}} = {\left [{ {b_{1}, \cdots,{b_{N_{s}}}} }\right]^{T}} \in {C^{N_{s} \times 1}} b=[b1,,bNs]TCNs×1 is the beam gain vector

b max ⁡ = 52 d B {b_{\max }}=52dB bmax=52dB
φ 3 d B = 0.4 / 180 ∗ π \varphi _{3\mathrm {dB}}=0.4/180*\pi φ3dB=0.4/180π


Adaptive scheduling for millimeter wave multi-beam satellite communication systems

Secure Satellite-Terrestrial Transmission Over Incumbent Terrestrial Networks via Cooperative Beamforming
J. Du, C. Jiang, H. Zhang, X. Wang, Y. Ren and M. Debbah, “Secure Satellite-Terrestrial Transmission Over Incumbent Terrestrial Networks via Cooperative Beamforming,” in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1367-1382, July 2018, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2018.2824623.

the channel vector h n ∈ C N s × 1 {{\mathbf {h}}_{n}}\in {{\mathbb {C}}^{{N_{s}}\times 1}} hnCNs×1 of FSS terminal n n n ( n ∈ N ≜ { 1 , 2 , ⋯   , N } n \in \mathsf {\mathcal {N}} \triangleq \left \{{ 1,2, \cdots,N }\right \} nN{1,2,,N} )
h n = N s L ∑ l = 1 L δ n , l α ( θ n , l ) , ∀ n ∈ N {{\mathbf {h}}_{n}}=\sqrt {\frac {{N_{s}}}{L}}\sum \nolimits _{l=1}^{L}{{\delta _{n,l}}\boldsymbol {\alpha }\left ({{\theta _{n,l}} }\right)},\quad \forall n\in \mathsf {\mathcal {N}} hn=LNs l=1Lδn,lα(θn,l),nN
where L L L is the number of scatters,
δ n , l {\delta _{n,l}} δn,l and θ n , l {\theta _{n,l}} θn,l are the complex gain and normalized direction of the LOS path for FSS n n n , respectively.
In addition, δ n , l 2 ∼ C N ( 0 , σ 0 2 ) {\delta _{n,l}^{2}}\sim \mathsf {\mathcal {C}\mathcal {N}}\left ({0,\sigma _{0}^{2} }\right) δn,l2CN(0,σ02) is independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex Gaussian distribution with zero-mean, and covariance σ 0 2 = 1 \sigma _{0}^{2}=1 σ02=1 , which indicates Rician factor, and 随机
θ n , l ∼ U [ − 1 , 1 ] {\theta _{n,l}}\sim U\left [{ -1,1 }\right] θn,lU[1,1] is i.i.d. uniformly distributed. 随机
L=2 [36]

Moreover, when a uniform linear array (ULA) is adopted, the normalized array response α ( θ ) α(θ) α(θ) is given by
α ( θ ) = 1 N s [ 1 , e − j 2 π λ d sin ⁡ ( φ ) , ⋯   , e − j 2 π λ ( N s − 1 ) d sin ⁡ ( φ ) ] T \boldsymbol {\alpha }\left ({\theta }\right) = \frac {1}{\sqrt {{N_{s}}}}{{\left [{ 1,{e^{-j\frac {2\pi }{\lambda }d\sin \left ({\varphi }\right)}}, \cdots,{e^{-j\frac {2\pi }{\lambda }\left ({{N_{s}} - 1 }\right)d\sin \left ({\varphi }\right)}} }\right]}^{T}} α(θ)=Ns 1[1,ejλ2πdsin(φ),,ejλ2π(Ns1)dsin(φ)]T
normalized direction θ n θn θn is related to the physical azimuth angle of departure (AoD) of φ ∈ [ − π / 2 , π / 2 ] φ∈[−π/2,π/2] φ[π/2,π/2] as θ = ( 2 d / λ ) s i n ( φ ) θ=(2d/λ)sin(φ) θ=(2d/λ)sin(φ) , 怎么确定??
where d d d is the antenna spacing (i.e., the distance between the two adjacent antennas), and
λ λ λ is the carrier wavelength.
In this work, we assume the critically sampled environment, i.e, d / λ = 0.5 d/λ=0.5 d/λ=0.5 , considering that the normalized AoD is the sine function of the actual AoD.





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数据库,计算机网络、操作系统刷题笔记29 2022找工作是学历、能力和运气的超强结合体,遇到寒冬,大厂不招人,可能很多算法学生都得去找开发,测开 测开的话,你就得学数据库,sql,oracle…







Spire.Office 8.1.1 for .NET 是 Spire.Office 7.12.5吗

为何 Spire.Office for .net 8.1.1 悄悄而来?不得而知。官网没有更新信息,为何?我们都不清楚,但是都需要迎接它的到来,不管何种原因,接受吧 by Ω578867473 Spire.Office 7.12.5 is released Friday, 30 De…

持续交付-Jenkinsfile 语法

实现 Pipeline 功能的脚本语言叫做 Jenkinsfile,由 Groovy 语言实现。Jenkinsfile 一般是放在项目根目录,随项目一起受源代码管理软件控制,无需像创建"自由风格"项目一样,每次可能需要拷贝很多设置到新项目,…


12月29日,由欧拉开源社区发起并联合华为、麒麟软件、统信软件、麒麟信安、超聚变、英特尔、中科院软件所、软通动力、润和软件等伙伴,共同举办的openEuler Summit 2022于线上举行。 会上,openEuler委员会主席江大勇发表了《激发原创力量&…




概要介绍Yakit 是一个高度集成化的 Yak 语言安全能力的安全测试平台,使用 Yakit,可以做到:类 Burpsuite 的 MITM 劫持操作台查看所有劫持到的请求的历史记录以及分析请求的参数全球第一个可视化的 Web 模糊测试工具:Web FuzzerYak…


首页的展示 首页的功能 1、搜索栏模糊查询 在我在输入框输入关键字的时候,会匹配关键字,如果我的存放的数据里面包含这些关机键字就会显示出来。做到模糊查询的效果。 2、实现搜索功能 在首页的搜索框点击搜索的时候,就会对你输入的关键字进…


原创作者:运维工程师 谢晋 前提提要 客户环境为VSAN环境,VCSA版本为6.7,登陆VCSA时发现报错如下图:     经验判断该报错是因为VCSA的证书过期了,登陆VCSA的5480界面https://VCSAIP:5480,发现果然是证…


介绍 建造者模式(Builder Pattern) 又叫生成器模式,是一种对象构建模式。它可以 将复杂对象的建造过程抽象出来(抽象类别),使这个抽象过程的不同实现方 法可以构造出不同表现(属性)的…


学习这部分知识,需要你了解vector和list的正向迭代器知识以及容器适配器知识,可以阅读我写的另外三篇vector、list、容器适配器 知识的博客!其中list知识内容尤其重要且难度要求很高! 反向迭代器,顾名思义是与正向迭代…


在Spring与Mybatis框架整合中,主要有两个重要改动,分别是事务与SqlSession。mybatis-spring包中为以上两个问题提供了解决方案。 重要组件 SpringManagedTransaction (Spring事务管理器)SqlSessionTemplate (SqlSess…