
news2024/9/20 19:36:10



  • 前言
  • 一、获取ARCCONF
  • 二、使用步骤
    • 1.Windows Server 2022
      • 1.查看RAID控制器
      • 2.查询控制器属性
      • 3.查询虚拟磁盘属性
      • 4.查询物理硬盘属性
    • 2.Ubuntu-22.04
    • 3.CentOS7
  • 三、配置RAID属性
  • 总结


最近接管了一个浪潮服务器,系统是Windows Server 2022,本来想打开硬件管理器看看硬盘配置的,结果只显示INSPUR LOGICAL VOLUME,而且服务器是24小时开机的,所以只能借助RAID管理工具了,我这款RAID控制器是PM8222-SHBA,是MicroChip的方案,使用ARCCONF命令行工具即可。








1.Windows Server 2022




./arcconf.exe LIST

Controllers found: 1
Controller information
   Controller ID             : Status, Slot, Mode, Name, SerialNumber, WWN
   Controller 1:             : Optimal, Slot 21, Mixed, INSPUR PM8222-SHBA, **********, **********



./arcconf.exe getconfig <RAID控制器ID> ad

Controllers found: 1
Controller information
   Controller Status                          : Optimal
   Controller Mode                            : Mixed
   Channel description                        : SCSI
   Controller Model                           : INSPUR PM8222-SHBA
   Vendor ID                                  : *****
   Device ID                                  : *****
   Subsystem Vendor ID                        : *****
   Subsystem Device ID                        : *****
   Controller Serial Number                   : **********
   Controller World Wide Name                 : **********
   Physical Slot                              : 21
   Negotiated PCIe Data Rate                  : PCIe 3.0 x8(7880 MB/s)
   PCI Address (Domain:Bus:Device:Function)   : 0:b1:0:0
   Number of Ports                            : 2
   Internal Port Count                        : 2
   External Port Count                        : 0
   Defunct disk drive count                   : 0
   NCQ status                                 : Enabled
   Queue Depth                                : Automatic
   Monitor and Performance Delay              : 60 minutes
   Elevator Sort                              : Enabled
   Degraded Mode Performance Optimization     : Disabled
   Latency                                    : Disabled
   Post Prompt Timeout                        : 0 seconds
   Boot Controller                            : False
   Primary Boot Volume                        : None
   Secondary Boot Volume                      : None
   Driver Name                                : smartsamd.sys
   Driver Supports SSD I/O Bypass             : Yes
   NVMe Supported                             : No
   NVMe Configuration Supported               : No
   Manufacturing Part Number                  : Not Applicable
   Manufacturing Spare Part Number            : Not Applicable
   Manufacturing Wellness Log                 : Not Applicable
   Manufacturing SKU Number                   : Not Applicable
   Manufacturing Model                        : Not Applicable
   NVRAM Checksum Status                      : Passed
   Sanitize Lock Setting                      : None
   Expander Minimum Scan Duration             : 0 seconds
   Expander Scan Time-out                     : 120 seconds
   Reboot Required Reasons                    : Not Available
   Power Settings
   Power Consumption                          : Not Available
   Current Power Mode                         : Maximum Performance
   Pending Power Mode                         : Not Applicable
   Survival Mode                              : Disabled
   Cache Properties
   Physical Drive Write Cache Policy Information
   Configured Drives                          : Default
   Unconfigured Drives                        : Default
   HBA Drives                                 : Default
   RAID Properties
   Logical devices/Failed/Degraded            : 2/0/0
   Spare Activation Mode                      : Failure
   Background consistency check               : Idle
   Consistency Check Delay                    : 3 seconds
   Parallel Consistency Check Supported       : Enabled
   Parallel Consistency Check Count           : 1
   Inconsistency Repair Policy                : Disabled
   Consistency Check Inconsistency Notify     : Disabled
   Rebuild Priority                           : High
   Expand Priority                            : Medium
   Controller Version Information
   Firmware                                   : 4.11
   Driver                                     : Windows
   Hardware Revision                          : B
   Hardware Minor Revision                    : Not Available
   SEEPROM Version                            : 3
   CPLD Revision                              : Not Available
   Out Of Band Interface Settings
   OOB Interface                              : PBSI
   Pending OOB Interface                      : PBSI
   I2C Address                                : 0xDE
   Pending I2C Address                        : 0xDE
   I2C Clock Speed                            : 400 KHZ
   I2C Clock Stretching                       : Enabled
   Pending I2C Clock Speed                    : 400 KHZ
   Pending I2C Clock Stretching               : Enabled
   SMBus Device Type                          : Not Applicable
   SMBus Channel                              : Not Applicable
   Static EIDs Use On Initialization          : Not Applicable
   VDM Notification                           : Not Applicable
   Pending SMBus Device Type                  : Not Applicable
   Pending SMBus Channel                      : Not Applicable
   Pending Static EIDs Use On Initialization  : Not Applicable
   Pending VDM Notification                   : Not Applicable
   Connector information
   Connector #0
      Connector name                          : CN0
      Connection Number                       : 0
      Functional Mode                         : Mixed
      Connector Location                      : Internal
      SAS Address                             : 56C92BF0053B131E

   Connector #1
      Connector name                          : CN1
      Connection Number                       : 1
      Functional Mode                         : Mixed
      Connector Location                      : Internal
      SAS Address                             : **********



./arcconf.exe getconfig <RAID控制器ID> ld

Controllers found: 1
Logical device information
Logical Device number 0
   Logical Device name                        : Logical Drive 1
   Disk Name                                  : \\.\PhysicalDrive0 (Disk0)
   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes
   Array                                      : 0
   RAID level                                 : 0
   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal
   Size                                       : 915683 MB
   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB
   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB
   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD
   Device Type                                : Data
   Boot Type                                  : None
   Heads                                      : 255
   Sectors Per Track                          : 32
   Cylinders                                  : 65535
   Mount Points                               :  100 MB  Partition Number 1  16 MB  Partition Number 2 C:\ 914886 MB  Partition Number 3  679 MB  Partition Number 4
   LD Acceleration Method                     : SSD IO Bypass
   Volume Unique Identifier                   : ********************
   Array Physical Device Information
   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number
   Device 4                                   : Present (915715MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:1, Device:4) **********

Logical Device number 1
   Logical Device name                        : Logical Drive 2
   Disk Name                                  : \\.\PhysicalDrive1 (Disk1)
   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes
   Array                                      : 1
   RAID level                                 : 1
   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal
   Size                                       : 2289240 MB
   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB
   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB
   Interface Type                             : Serial Attached SCSI
   Device Type                                : Data
   Boot Type                                  : None
   Heads                                      : 255
   Sectors Per Track                          : 32
   Cylinders                                  : 65535
   Mount Points                               : D:\ 2289239 MB  Partition Number 1
   LD Acceleration Method                     : None
   Volume Unique Identifier                   : ********************
   Array Physical Device Information
   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number
   Device 5                                   : Present (2289272MB, SAS, HDD, Connector:1, Device:5) **********
   Device 6                                   : Present (2289272MB, SAS, HDD, Connector:1, Device:6) **********

这看到的是系统挂载的逻辑磁盘属性,不是物理磁盘属性。可以看到RAID控制器1下面配置了两个组,组1是RAID 0且挂了一块硬盘,组2是RAID 1且挂了2块硬盘。

注意:这种配置存在一定风险,一般系统盘都需要两块硬盘做RAID 1的,这样的话哪怕24小时运行也不必过于担心因硬盘故障导致的系统崩溃,甚至无法挽回的地步。


./arcconf.exe getconfig <RAID控制器ID> pd

Controllers found: 1
Physical Device information
   Channel #0:
      Device #4
         Device is a Hard drive
         State                                : Online
         Drive has stale RIS data             : False
         Block Size                           : 512 Bytes
         Physical Block Size                  : 4K Bytes
         Transfer Speed                       : SATA 6.0 Gb/s
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)         : 0,4(4:0)
         Reported Location                    : Direct Attached, Slot 4(Connector 1:CN1)
         Array                                : 0
         Vendor                               : ATA
         Model                                : SAMSUNG ***************
         Firmware                             : *****
         Serial number                        : **********
         World-wide name                      : **********
         Reserved Size                        : 32768 KB
         Used Size                            : 915683 MB
         Unused Size                          : 0 MB
         Total Size                           : 915715 MB
         Write Cache                          : Disabled (write-through)
         S.M.A.R.T.                           : No
         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                  : 0
         SSD                                  : Yes
         NCQ supported                        : Supported
         NCQ status                           : Enabled
         Boot Type                            : None
         Current Temperature                  : 32 deg C
         Maximum Temperature                  : 43 deg C
         Threshold Temperature                : 70 deg C
         PHY Count                            : 1
         Drive Configuration Type             : Data
         Drive Encryption Capability          : SED
         SED Security Status                  : Not Applicable
         SED Qualification Status             : Not Applicable
         SED Ownership status                 : Not Applicable
         SED Type                             : Not Applicable
         Foreign Key Identifier               : Not Applicable
         Foreign Reset Key Identifier         : Not Applicable
         Original Factory State(OFS)          : False
         Drive Exposed to OS                  : False
         Sanitize Erase Support               : True
         Sanitize Lock Freeze Support         : True
         Sanitize Lock Anti-Freeze Support    : True
         Sanitize Lock Setting                : None
         Power On Hours                       : 3425
         Usage Remaining                      : 100 percent
         Estimated Life Remaining             : Not Applicable
         SSD Smart Trip Wearout               : False
         56 Day Warning Present               : False
         Drive Unique ID                      : 8B78DE7726E67D49
         Drive SKU Number                     : Not Applicable
         Drive Part Number                    : Not Applicable
         Last Failure Reason                  : No Failure
      Device Phy Information
         Phy #0
            Negotiated Physical Link Rate     : 6 Gbps
            Negotiated Logical Link Rate      : 6 Gbps
            Maximum Link Rate                 : 6 Gbps

      Device Error Counters
         Aborted Commands                     : 0
         Bad Target Errors                    : 0
         Ecc Recovered Read Errors            : 0
         Failed Read Recovers                 : 0
         Failed Write Recovers                : 0
         Format Errors                        : 0
         Hardware Errors                      : 0
         Hard Read Errors                     : 0
         Hard Write Errors                    : 0
         Hot Plug Count                       : 0
         Media Failures                       : 0
         Not Ready Errors                     : 0
         Other Time Out Errors                : 0
         Predictive Failures                  : 0
         Retry Recovered Read Errors          : 0
         Retry Recovered Write Errors         : 0
         Scsi Bus Faults                      : 0
         Sectors Reads                        : 6974590021
         Sectors Written                      : 27616948749
         Service Hours                        : 3423

      Device #5
         Device is a Hard drive
         State                                : Online
         Drive has stale RIS data             : False
         Block Size                           : 512 Bytes
         Physical Block Size                  : 4K Bytes
         Transfer Speed                       : SAS 12.0 Gb/s
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)         : 0,5(5:0)
         Reported Location                    : Direct Attached, Slot 5(Connector 1:CN1)
         Array                                : 1
         Vendor                               : TOSHIBA
         Model                                : **********
         Firmware                             : ****
         Serial number                        : **********
         World-wide name                      : **********
         Reserved Size                        : 32768 KB
         Used Size                            : 2289240 MB
         Unused Size                          : 0 MB
         Total Size                           : 2289272 MB
         Write Cache                          : Disabled (write-through)
         S.M.A.R.T.                           : No
         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                  : 0
         SSD                                  : No
         Boot Type                            : None
         Rotational Speed                     : 10500 RPM
         Current Temperature                  : 31 deg C
         Maximum Temperature                  : 34 deg C
         Threshold Temperature                : 65 deg C
         PHY Count                            : 2
         Drive Configuration Type             : Data
         Drive Exposed to OS                  : False
         Sanitize Erase Support               : True
         Sanitize Lock Freeze Support         : False
         Sanitize Lock Anti-Freeze Support    : False
         Sanitize Lock Setting                : None
         Drive Unique ID                      : **********
         Drive SKU Number                     : Not Applicable
         Drive Part Number                    : Not Applicable
         Last Failure Reason                  : No Failure
      Device Phy Information
         Phy #0
            Negotiated Physical Link Rate     : 12 Gbps
            Negotiated Logical Link Rate      : 12 Gbps
            Maximum Link Rate                 : 12 Gbps
         Phy #1
            Negotiated Physical Link Rate     : unknown
            Negotiated Logical Link Rate      : unknown
            Maximum Link Rate                 : 12 Gbps

      Device Error Counters
         Aborted Commands                     : 0
         Bad Target Errors                    : 0
         Ecc Recovered Read Errors            : 0
         Failed Read Recovers                 : 0
         Failed Write Recovers                : 0
         Format Errors                        : 0
         Hardware Errors                      : 0
         Hard Read Errors                     : 0
         Hard Write Errors                    : 0
         Hot Plug Count                       : 0
         Media Failures                       : 0
         Not Ready Errors                     : 0
         Other Time Out Errors                : 0
         Predictive Failures                  : 0
         Retry Recovered Read Errors          : 0
         Retry Recovered Write Errors         : 0
         Scsi Bus Faults                      : 6
         Sectors Reads                        : 46358447399
         Sectors Written                      : 441995486
         Service Hours                        : 3423

      Device #6
         Device is a Hard drive
         State                                : Online
         Drive has stale RIS data             : False
         Block Size                           : 512 Bytes
         Physical Block Size                  : 4K Bytes
         Transfer Speed                       : SAS 12.0 Gb/s
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)         : 0,6(6:0)
         Reported Location                    : Direct Attached, Slot 6(Connector 1:CN1)
         Array                                : 1
         Vendor                               : TOSHIBA
         Model                                : **********
         Firmware                             : 1403
         Serial number                        : **********
         World-wide name                      : **********
         Reserved Size                        : 32768 KB
         Used Size                            : 2289240 MB
         Unused Size                          : 0 MB
         Total Size                           : 2289272 MB
         Write Cache                          : Disabled (write-through)
         S.M.A.R.T.                           : No
         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                  : 0
         SSD                                  : No
         Boot Type                            : None
         Rotational Speed                     : 10500 RPM
         Current Temperature                  : 31 deg C
         Maximum Temperature                  : 34 deg C
         Threshold Temperature                : 65 deg C
         PHY Count                            : 2
         Drive Configuration Type             : Data
         Drive Exposed to OS                  : False
         Sanitize Erase Support               : True
         Sanitize Lock Freeze Support         : False
         Sanitize Lock Anti-Freeze Support    : False
         Sanitize Lock Setting                : None
         Drive Unique ID                      : **********
         Drive SKU Number                     : Not Applicable
         Drive Part Number                    : Not Applicable
         Last Failure Reason                  : No Failure
      Device Phy Information
         Phy #0
            Negotiated Physical Link Rate     : 12 Gbps
            Negotiated Logical Link Rate      : 12 Gbps
            Maximum Link Rate                 : 12 Gbps
         Phy #1
            Negotiated Physical Link Rate     : unknown
            Negotiated Logical Link Rate      : unknown
            Maximum Link Rate                 : 12 Gbps

      Device Error Counters
         Aborted Commands                     : 0
         Bad Target Errors                    : 0
         Ecc Recovered Read Errors            : 0
         Failed Read Recovers                 : 0
         Failed Write Recovers                : 0
         Format Errors                        : 0
         Hardware Errors                      : 0
         Hard Read Errors                     : 0
         Hard Write Errors                    : 0
         Hot Plug Count                       : 0
         Media Failures                       : 0
         Not Ready Errors                     : 0
         Other Time Out Errors                : 0
         Predictive Failures                  : 0
         Retry Recovered Read Errors          : 0
         Retry Recovered Write Errors         : 0
         Scsi Bus Faults                      : 6
         Sectors Reads                        : 42869411170
         Sectors Written                      : 3891363294
         Service Hours                        : 3423

   Channel #2:
      Device #0
         Device is an Enclosure Services Device
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)         : 2,0(0:0)
         Enclosure ID                         : 0
         Enclosure Logical Identifier         : **********
         Type                                 : SES2
         Vendor                               : INSPUR
         Model                                : Virtual SGPIO
         Firmware                             : 4.11
         Status of Enclosure Services Device
            Speaker status                    : Not Available

Command completed successfully.



./arcconf.exe getconfig <RAID卡ID>  ld_id
./arcconf.exe getconfig <RAID卡ID>  channel_id
./arcconf.exe getconfig <RAID卡ID>  slot_id
./arcconf.exe getconfig <RAID卡ID>  mc
./arcconf.exe getconfig <RAID卡ID>  al



chmod a+x arcconf
sudo mv arcconf /usr/bin
sudo arcconf LIST














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