
news2024/12/22 14:55:16


     <!-- 截取框 -->
                    width: cropWidth + 'px',
                    height: cropHeight + 'px',
                    left: cropX + 'px',
                    top: cropY + 'px',
                  <!-- 内容在这里 -->
                  <div class="crop-box-content"></div>


  startInteraction(e) {
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    startDragging(e) {
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      document.addEventListener("mouseup", this.stopInteraction);
    handleResize(e) {
      if (this.isResizing) {
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        let newWidth, newHeight;

        switch (this.resizeDirection) {
          case "tl":
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            this.cropX = this.startCropX + deltaX;
            this.cropY = this.startCropY + deltaY;
          case "tr":

            newWidth = this.startWidth + deltaX;
            newHeight = this.calculateHeight(newWidth);
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          case "br":
            newWidth = this.startWidth + deltaX;
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            newHeight = (newWidth * 16) / 9;
          case "bl":

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            newHeight = this.calculateHeight(newWidth);
            this.cropX = this.startCropX + deltaX;

        this.cropWidth = Math.max(newWidth, 50); // 最小宽度
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        // 检查是否超出父容器范围
        const cropper = this.$refs.videoAndCropper;
        // console.log(
        // "🚀 ~ file: index02.vue:1687 ~ handleResize ~ cropper:",
        // cropper.offsetHeight
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        // // console.log("🚀 ~ file: index02.vue:1687 ~ handleResize ~ parentRect:", parentRect)

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   handleDrag(e) {
      // 通过$refs获取元素引用
      const element = this.$refs.videoAndCropper;

      // 获取元素的高度和宽度
      const height = element.clientHeight; // 获取元素内部高度,包括内边距,不包括边框
      const width = element.clientWidth; // 获取元素内部宽度,包括内边距,不包括边框

      if (this.isDragging) {
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        const deltaY = e.clientY - this.startY;

        // 计算新的位置
        const newCropX = this.startCropX + deltaX;
        const newCropY = this.startCropY + deltaY;
        // console.log(
        // "🚀 ~ file: index02.vue:1677 ~ handleDrag ~ newCropY:",
        // newCropY + this.cropHeight
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        // 检查是否超出父容器范围
        const parentRect = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect();
        // console.log(
        // "🚀 ~ file: index02.vue:1651 ~ handleResize ~ parentRect:",
        // parentRect
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        // console.log(
        // "🚀 ~ file: index02.vue:1694 ~ handleDrag ~ height:",
        // height
        // );

        if (newCropX >= 0 && newCropX + this.cropWidth <= parentRect.width) {
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        //    if (newCropY + this.cropHeight >= height) {
        //     console.log(3333);
        //   return;
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        if (newCropY + this.cropHeight >= height) {
          this.cropY = height - this.cropHeight;
    stopInteraction() {
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      document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleResize);
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      document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.stopInteraction);





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