Dim 布局名称,点击坐标,话术,分割话术,随机值,文本,id,结果,时间,端口,最高年龄,最终年龄,最低年龄,年龄
布局名称 = "xkrj5.com 开源版!"
TracePrint UI.Newlayout (布局名称)
TracePrint UI.AddTextView(布局名称, "文字框2", "每次打招呼数量:")
TracePrint UI.AddEditText(布局名称, "输入框2", "5")
'显示名称为:布局名称 的布局控件
TracePrint UI.NewRow(布局名称, "new_row")
TracePrint UI.AddButton(布局名称, "按钮2", "点我打招呼回复")
TracePrint UI.NewRow(布局名称, "new_row")
'TracePrint UI.AddRadioGroup(布局名称,"选择功能",{"普通私信", "截屏私信", "粉丝私信"},0)
TracePrint UI.SetOnClick("按钮2", 点我私信)
TracePrint UI.Show (布局名称)
Function 点我私信()
最高年龄 =Int(UI.GetText("输入框2"))
分割话术 = Split(ReadUIConfig("输入框1","这个作品666#我对你的产品感兴趣#感兴趣奥#怎么联系啊"), "#")
TracePrint UI.Close(布局名称)
End Function
Function 点我初始化()
End Function
Delay 2000
For i = 1 To 最高年龄
Dim intX,intY
FindPic 0,0,0,0,"Attachment:附近.png","000000",0,0.9,intX,intY
If intX > -1 And intY > -1 Then
TracePrint intX
TracePrint intY
Tap intX, intY
Delay 1500
Dim intX1,intY1
FindPic 0,0,0,0,"Attachment:关注并打招呼.png","000000",0,0.9,intX1,intY1
If intX1 > -1 And intY1 > -1 Then
TracePrint intX1
TracePrint intY1
Tap intX1,intY1
Delay 2000
Tap intX1 - 300, intY1
Delay 2000
InputText 分割话术(1)
Delay 1000
Dim intX2,intY2
FindPic 0,0,0,0,"Attachment:发送.png","000000",0,0.9,intX2,intY2
If intX2 > -1 And intY2 > -1 Then
TracePrint intX2
TracePrint intY2
Tap intX2, intY2
Delay 2000
KeyPress "Back"
Delay 1000
KeyPress "Back"
Delay 1000
Swipe intX, intY, intX, 99, 1500
Delay 1000
End If
End If
If intY1 = -1 Then
KeyPress "Back"
Delay 1000
Swipe intX, intY, intX, 99, 1500
Delay 1000
End If
End If
Delay 2000
Tap 361,1111
ShowMessage "进入检测消息环节"
Delay 2000
Dim intX3,intY3
FindPic 546,265,710,1051,"Attachment:一条消息.png","000000",0,0.9,intX3,intY3
If intX3 > -1 And intY3 > -1 Then
TracePrint intX3
TracePrint intY3
Tap intX3-200, intY3
Delay 2000
//ShowMessage "已检测到一条消息准备回复"
Tap 235, 1020
Delay 20
InputText 分割话术(1)
Delay 1000
Dim intX4,intY4
FindPic 0,0,0,0,"Attachment:发送内容.png","000000",0,0.9,intX4,intY4
If intX4 > -1 And intY4 > -1 Then
TracePrint intX4
TracePrint intY4
Tap intX4,intY4
Delay 1000
KeyPress "Back"
Delay 1000
KeyPress "Back"
Delay 1000
End If
End If
If intY4 = -1 Then
ShowMessage "当前没收到最新消息"
End If
Delay 2000
Tap 74,1112
Delay 3000
Tap 185,90
Delay 3000
// Exit Do