
news2025/2/22 5:42:34



1. Robust_Place_Recognition_using_an_Imaging_Lidar

If the position between the matched nodes is less than 2m, we consider this detection a true positive, otherwise a false positive.



2.Scan context: Egocentric spatial descriptor for place recognition within 3d point cloud map

If a ground truth pose distance between the query and the matched node is less than 4 m, the detection is considered as true positive.
如果查询和匹配节点之间的地面真实姿态距离小于 4 m,则检测被视为真阳性。


3.M2DP: A novel 3D point cloud descriptor and its application in loop closure detection

Two locations are considered as the ground truth loop closure if their distance is less than 10m.
如果距离小于 10m,则两个位置被视为真实环路闭合。

For each point cloud, we calculate its descriptor and search for the nearest neighbour as the matching candidate. The ±50 (±5 for Freiburg Campus) frames before/after the current frame are excluded from the matching process to avoid matching neighboring point clouds. We then vary a distance threshold on the nearest neighbour distance to determine the match. If the distance between one frame and its nearest neighbour is less than the threshold, we take this match as loop closure. Using this threshold, the recall and precision curve is generated to compare the performance of different methods.


4.Lidar iris for loop-closure detection

In order to get the ground truth of pose and location for our data, we use high-fidelity IMU/GPS to record the poses and locations of each LiDAR’s frame.We only use the keyframes and their ground-truth locations in our experiment. Note that the distance between two keyframe locations is set to 1m.
为了获得数据的姿态和位置的真实情况,我们使用高保真 IMU/GPS 来记录每个 LiDAR 帧的姿态和位置。我们在实验中仅使用关键帧及其真实位置。请注意,两个关键帧位置之间的距离设置为 1m。

The first protocol, protocol A, is a real one for loopclosure detection. Suppose that the keyframe for current location is fkc, to find whether the current location has been traversed or not, we need to match fkc with all previous keyframes in the map database except the very close ones, e.g., the 30 keyframes ahead of the current one. By setting a threhold on the feature distance, denoted by df, between fkc and the closest match in the database, we can predict whether fkc corresponds to an already traversed place or not. If the feature distance is no larger than df, fkc is predicted as a loop closure. Otherwise, fkc is predicted as not a loop closure.
第一个协议,协议 A,是真正的闭环检测协议。假设当前位置的关键帧是fkc,要判断当前位置是否被遍历过,我们需要将fkc与地图数据库中除非常接近的关键帧之外的所有先前关键帧进行匹配,例如当前位置之前的30个关键帧。通过对fkc与数据库中最接近的匹配之间的特征距离(用df表示)设置阈值,我们可以预测fkc是否对应于已经遍历过的位置。如果特征距离不大于df,则fkc被预测为闭环。否则,fkc 被预测为不是循环​​闭合。

if fkc is predicted as a loop-closure event, it is regarded as a true positive only if the ground truth distance between fkc and the closest match in the database is less than 4m.

5.BoCNF: efficient image matching with Bag of ConvNet features for scalable and robust visual place recognition

(a) The UACampus (Liu et al. 2015) dataset…Images in the two subsets are manually matched to generate the ground truth.

(b) The St. Lucia (Glover et al. 2010) dataset…In our experiments, we use 10,000 images uniformly sampled from the dataset. The ground truth was created with GPS. Two images within 20m are considered to be from the same place.
在我们的实验中,我们使用从数据集中均匀采样的 10,000 张图像。地面实况是通过 GPS 创建的。 20m以内的两张图像被认为来自同一地点。

© The CMU (Badino et al. 2011) dataset…The ground truth was created with GPS. Two images within 10m are considered to be from the same place.
地面实况是通过 GPS 创建的。 10m以内的两张图像被认为来自同一地点。

6.Visual Place Recognition: A Survey

Visual place recognition systemsmust be able to successfully match very perceptually different images while also rejecting incorrect matches between aliased image pairs of different places.

7.SeqSLAM: Visual route-based navigation for sunny summer days and stormy winter nights

Two of the datasets were sourced from online videos, and GPS was not reliable enough to be gathered during acquisition of the Alderley dataset. Consequently, to obtain ground truth, all videos were manually parsed frame by frame and key frames had their latitude and longitude tagged using a combination of Google Maps, Google Street View, and NearMaps.
其中两个数据集来自在线视频,GPS 不够可靠,无法在获取 Alderley 数据集期间收集。因此,为了获得真实情况,所有视频都经过手动逐帧解析,并且结合使用 Google 地图、Google 街景和近图来标记关键帧的纬度和经度。

8.Panoramic annular SLAM with loop closure and global optimization

However, LDSO and VINS-Mono only conduct pose graph optimization, but do not perform the global bundle adjustment (BA).


For each detected loop closure candidate, if the difference of index between the candidate frame and the current query frame is less than the interval number of keyframes (30 in this paper), it is considered to be a true positive (TP) loop closure; Otherwise, it will be treated as false positive (FP). In addition, all the query frames that fail in detecting loop closure are defined as false negative (FN).

Image sequences that are used in this test are captured in an office, with paths ranging from 3 meters to 50 meters in length.
此测试中使用的图像序列是在办公室中捕获的,路径长度范围为 3 米到 50 米。




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