Linux shell编程学习笔记13:文件测试运算

news2025/3/13 20:58:27

Linux  Shell 脚本编程和其他编程语言一样,支持算数、关系、布尔、逻辑、字符串、文件测试等多种运算。前面几节我们依次研究了  Linux shell编程 中的 字符串运算、算术运算、关系运算、布尔运算 和 逻辑运算,今天我们来研究 Linux shell编程中的文件测试运算。


-b file检测文件是否是块设备文件,如果是,则返回 true。block
-c file检测文件是否是字符设备文件,如果是,则返回 true。char
-d file检测文件是否是目录,如果是目录,则返回 true。directory
-f file检测文件是否是普通文件(既不是目录,也不是设备文件),如果是,则返回 true。file
-g file检测文件是否设置了 SGID 位,如果是,则返回 true。set Group ID
-k file检测文件是否设置了粘着位(Sticky Bit),如果是,则返回 true。
-p file检测文件是否是有名管道,如果是,则返回 true。name pipe
-u file检测文件是否设置了 SUID 位,如果是,则返回 true。Set User ID
-r file检测文件是否可读,如果是,则返回 true。readonly
-w file检测文件是否可写,如果是,则返回 true。writeable
-x file检测文件是否可执行,如果是,则返回 true。excecutable
-s file检测文件是否不为空(文件大小是否大于0),不为空返回 true。space
-e file检测文件(包括目录)是否存在,如果是,则返回 true。exist
-S file检测文件是否 socketsocket
-L file检测文件是否存在并且是一个符号链接link


为了进行文件测试实例演示,我们使用文件 /init 和 根目录 / 来作为操作对象。

我们先用ls -l 命令查看文件 /init 的详细属性:

user @ host: / $ ls -l init
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 492 Apr 12 2023 init
user @ host : / $

ls -l 命令返回信息中的第一列共有10个字符,可以分个部分:


- :表示普通文件
d :表示目录
l :表示符号链接
c :表示字符设备文件
b :表示块设备文件
s :表示套接字文件
p :表示管道文件


r :表示读取权限
w :表示写入权限
x :表示执行权限
- :表示没有对应权限

由命令返回结果可以看出,\init 是一个文件,文件所有者具有读取(r)写入(w)执行(x)权限,所属组和其他用户具有读取(r)和执行(x)权限。

我们再用ls -ld 命令查看 / 的详细属性:

user @ host : / $ ls -ld /
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 380 Apr 12 2023  //

由命令返回结果可以看出,\ 是一个目录,目录所有者具有读取(r)写入(w)执行(x)权限,所属组和其他用户具有读取(r)和执行(x)权限。


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if[-b $f ]; then echo "$f is a block file"; else echo "$f is not a block file"; fi
/init is not a block file
user @ host : / $ 

可见 /init 不是块设备文件


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [-c $f]; then echo "$f is a character file"; else echo "$f is not a character filel"; fi
/init is not a character file
user @ host : / $ 

可见 \init 不是字符设备文件。


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [-d $f ]; then echo"$f is a directory"; else echo "$f is not a directory"; fi
/init is not a directory
user @ host : / $

可见/init 不是一个目录而是一个文件。

user @ host : / $ f="//"
user @ host : / $ if [ -d $f ];then echo "$f is a directory"; else echo "$f is not a directory";fi
// is a directory 
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -d $f ]; then echo "$f is a directory"; else echo "$f is not a directory"; fi
/ is a directory
user @ host : / $ 

可见,/ 是一个目录,而不是文件。


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [-f $f ]; then echo"$f is a file"; else echo "$f is not a file"; fi
/init is  a file
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -d $f ]; then echo "$f is a file"; else echo "$f is not a file"; fi
/ is not a fle
user @ host : / $ 

可见,/init是一个文件,/ 不是一个文件。

(五)检测文件是否设置了 SGID 位

user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -g $f ];then echo "$f has set the SGID"; else echo "$f has not set the SGID "; fi
/init has not set the SGID 
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -g $f ];then echo "$f has set the SGID"; else echo "$f has not set the SGID "; fi
/ has not set the SGID 
user @ host : / $ 

可见 /init 和 / 都没有设置SGID。

(六)检测文件是否设置了粘着位(Sticky Bit)

user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -k $f ];then echo "$f has set the Sticky Bit"; else echo "$f has not set the Sticky Bit"; fi
/init has not set the Sticky Bit
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -k $f ];then echo "$f has set the Sticky Bit"; else echo "$f has not set the Sticky Bit"; fi
/ has not set the Sticky Bit
user @ host : / $ 

可见 /init 和 / 都没有设置粘着位(Sticky Bit)


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -p $f ];then echo "$f is a named pipe "; else echo "$f is not a named pipe"; fi
/init is not a named pipe
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -p $f ];then echo "$f is a named pipe "; else echo "$f is not a named pipe"; fi
/ is not a named pipe
user @ host : / $ 

可见 /init 和 / 都不是有名管道。

(八)检测文件是否设置了 SUID 位

user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -u $f ];then echo "$f has set the SUID"; else echo "$f has not set the SUID"; fi
/init has not set the SUID
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -u $f ];then echo "$f has set the SUID"; else echo "$f has not set the SUID"; fi
/ is has not set the SUID
user @ host : / $ 

可见 /init 和 / 都没有设置 SUID 位


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -r $f ]; then echo "$f is readable"; else echo "$f is not readable"; fi
/init is readable
user@host:/ $

可见 /init是可以读取的。


user @ host : / $ f="/ init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -w $f ];then echo "$f is writable"; else echo "$f is not writable"; fi
/init is not writable
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -w $f ];then echo "$f is writable"; else echo "$f is not writable"; fi
/ is not writable
user @ host : / $ 

可见 /init 和 / 都不可写入。


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -x $f ];then echo "$f is executable"; else echo "$f is not executable"; fi
/init is executable
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -x $f ];then echo "$f is executable"; else echo "$f is not executable"; fi
/ is executable
user @ host : / $ 

可见 /init 和 / 都可以执行。


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -s $f ];then echo "$f is not space"; else echo "$f is space"; fi
/init is not space

可见 /init 不为空。

我们可以用cat命令查看 /init的内容:


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -e $f ];then echo "$f exists"; else echo "$f does not exist"; fi
/init exists
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -e $f ];then echo "$f exists"; else echo "$f does not exist"; fi
/ exists
user @ host : / $ if [ -e null ];then echo "$f exists"; else echo "$f does not exist"; fi
/ exists
user @ host : / $ if [ -e nil ];then echo "$f exists"; else echo "$f does not exist"; fi
/ exists
user @ host : / $ if [ -e /dev/null ];then echo "$f exists"; else echo "$f does not exist"; fi
/ exists
user @ host : / $ f="/dev/null"
user @ host : / $ if [ -e $f ];then echo "$f exists"; else echo "$f does not exist"; fi
/dev/null exists

可见 /init 和 / 以及 /dev/null 都存在。

(十四)检测文件是否 socket

user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -S $f ];then echo "$f is a socket"; else echo "$f is not a socket"; fi
/init is not a socket
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -S $f ];then echo "$f is a socket"; else echo "$f is not a socket"; fi
/ is not a socket


user @ host : / $ f="/init"
user @ host : / $ if [ -L $f ];then echo "$f is a link"; else echo "$f is not a link"; fi
/init is not a link
user @ host : / $ f="/"
user @ host : / $ if [ -L $f ];then echo "$f is a link"; else echo "$f is not a link"; fi
/ is not a link






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