
news2025/1/11 20:08:53






💥1 概述

📚2 运行结果

🎉3 参考文献

🌈4 Matlab代码实现

💥1 概述



📚2 运行结果


% set the number of address bits for the majority-on problem 

% set the number of observations

% Now create the majority on dataset
% Determine output

% There are three data types that can be input into the CCEA
% 1) continuous or ordinal data (ContData)
% 2) nominal data (Cat
% 3) binary data or any feature where the user only wants one value
% assigned to a feature in a conjunctive clause
% For each data type list the corresponding columns in the Data matrix that
% correspond to the data type of the feature (i.e., if the data in columns
% 1 and 3 are ordinal or continuous then ConOrdData=[1 3]).;
ContOrdData=[]; % To be used for ordinal or continuous features
NomData=[]; % To be used for nominal features
BinData=1:NumFeat; % To be used for binary features or any feature where 
                   % the user only wants one value associated with the
                   % conjunctive clause.

% Set the target class
TargetClass=Output==1;% In this case only data with an output of 1 will be
                      % analyzed

% Run my algorithm convert the data to binary
[DataBin, Param, DataSum]=Data2BinaryTarget(Data, Output, ...
                               ContOrdData, NomData, BinData, TargetClass);
% Set the CCEA parameters
% The below settings are appropriate but not necessarily optimal for the
% 6-bit multiplexer dataset. The user can play with the parameter settings
% to find the best combination for a given dataset.
% Note: there are numerous input parameters for the CCEA. The idea is to
% give the user control over the optimal way to search a dataset. For 
% instance, Datasets with binary features may require fewer age layers and 
% fewer generations between novel generations; while datasets with 
% continuous or ordinal features may require more age layers and more 
% generations between novel generations.
Param.NumNewPop=NumFeat; % The # of new offspring created every Param.GENn
Param.TotGens=30; % Total # generations to run the CCEA
% Param.FeatLabels=[]; % The feature labels (not needed for CCEA but 
                       % necessary for understanding the features)
Param.BestFit=false(); % Will record the best hypergeometric fitness for 
                       % each CC order each generation
Param.ALna=5; % The # of layers that are not archived 
              % (helps maintain diversity)
Param.GENn=3; % The # of generations until a new population of offspring 
              % are created.
Param.NonArchLMax=Param.NumNewPop*1;% Max population per non-archive layer
Param.ArchOff=Param.NonArchLMax*Param.ALna; %The max # of Archive offspring 
                                            %created each generation 
Param.Px=0.5; % Probability of crossover
Param.Pwc=0.75; % probability that feature selected for mutation will be 
                % removed from the conjunctive clause
Param.Pm=1/NumFeat; % probability that a feature will be selected for 
                    % mutation. Only if the parent is selected for mutation
                    % instead of crossover.
Param.TournSize=3; % # of parents with replacement that are in the 
                   % tournament to mate with the parent. Only most fit will 
                   % mate.

% set the number of address bits for the majority-on problem 

% set the number of observations

% Now create the majority on dataset
% Determine output

% There are three data types that can be input into the CCEA
% 1) continuous or ordinal data (ContData)
% 2) nominal data (Cat
% 3) binary data or any feature where the user only wants one value
% assigned to a feature in a conjunctive clause
% For each data type list the corresponding columns in the Data matrix that
% correspond to the data type of the feature (i.e., if the data in columns
% 1 and 3 are ordinal or continuous then ConOrdData=[1 3]).;
ContOrdData=[]; % To be used for ordinal or continuous features
NomData=[]; % To be used for nominal features
BinData=1:NumFeat; % To be used for binary features or any feature where 
                   % the user only wants one value associated with the
                   % conjunctive clause.

% Set the target class
TargetClass=Output==1;% In this case only data with an output of 1 will be
                      % analyzed

% Run my algorithm convert the data to binary
[DataBin, Param, DataSum]=Data2BinaryTarget(Data, Output, ...
                               ContOrdData, NomData, BinData, TargetClass);
% Set the CCEA parameters
% The below settings are appropriate but not necessarily optimal for the
% 6-bit multiplexer dataset. The user can play with the parameter settings
% to find the best combination for a given dataset.
% Note: there are numerous input parameters for the CCEA. The idea is to
% give the user control over the optimal way to search a dataset. For 
% instance, Datasets with binary features may require fewer age layers and 
% fewer generations between novel generations; while datasets with 
% continuous or ordinal features may require more age layers and more 
% generations between novel generations.
Param.NumNewPop=NumFeat; % The # of new offspring created every Param.GENn
Param.TotGens=30; % Total # generations to run the CCEA
% Param.FeatLabels=[]; % The feature labels (not needed for CCEA but 
                       % necessary for understanding the features)
Param.BestFit=false(); % Will record the best hypergeometric fitness for 
                       % each CC order each generation
Param.ALna=5; % The # of layers that are not archived 
              % (helps maintain diversity)
Param.GENn=3; % The # of generations until a new population of offspring 
              % are created.
Param.NonArchLMax=Param.NumNewPop*1;% Max population per non-archive layer
Param.ArchOff=Param.NonArchLMax*Param.ALna; %The max # of Archive offspring 
                                            %created each generation 
Param.Px=0.5; % Probability of crossover
Param.Pwc=0.75; % probability that feature selected for mutation will be 
                % removed from the conjunctive clause
Param.Pm=1/NumFeat; % probability that a feature will be selected for 
                    % mutation. Only if the parent is selected for mutation
                    % instead of crossover.
Param.TournSize=3; % # of parents with replacement that are in the 
                   % tournament to mate with the parent. Only most fit will 
                   % mate.

🎉3 参考文献


[1]古华茂,石锦芹,高济.基于子句的ALCN语言tableau算法增强方式[J].东南大学学报(英文版), 2008.DOI:JournalArticle/5af28551c095d718d8f5e7c5.


🌈4 Matlab代码实现





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