在“八月下旬特征选择专题期刊精选”中,我们有主题、有针对性地选择了MSOM, Operations Research, Management Science等管理科学杂志中一些有趣的文章,不仅对文章的内容进行了概括与点评,而且也对文章的结构进行了梳理,旨在激发广大读者的阅读兴趣与探索热情。在本期“论文精选”中,我们以“特征选择”为主题,分别探究了个性化医疗、肿瘤治疗目标选择、产品优化设计问题,涉及特征工程、医疗管理、产品管理等诸多知识。
● 题目:A Contextual Ranking and Selection Method for Personalized Medicine
● 期刊:Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
● 原文链接:https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/msom.2022.0232
● 作者:Jianzhong Du, Siyang Gao, Chun-Hung Chen
● 关键词:个性化医疗, 上下文排序和选择, 仿真优化, 收敛速度
● 摘要:
Personalized medicine (PM) seeks the best treatment for each patient among a set of available treatment methods.
Since a specific treatment does not work well on all patients, traditionally, the best treatment was selected based on the doctor’s personal experience and expertise, which is subject to human errors. In the meantime, stochastic models have been well developed in the literature for a lot of major diseases.
In the meantime, stochastic models have been well developed in the literature for a lot of major diseases. This gives rise to a simulation-based solution for PM, which uses the simulation tool to evaluate the performance for pairs of treatment and patient biometric characteristics, and based on that, selects the best treatment for each patient characteristics.
● 文章结构:
● 核心解法及点评:
● 相关好文:
[1] Garnett, G. P., S. Cousens, T. B. Hallett, R. Steketee, N. Walker. 2011. Mathematical models in the evaluation of health programmes. Lancet.
[2] Chen, C. H., J. Lin, E. Y¨ucesan, S. E. Chick. 2000. Simulation budget allocation for further enhancing the efficiency of ordinal optimization. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems.
[3] Fu, M., J. Hu, C.-H. Chen, X. Xiong. 2007. Simulation allocation for determining the best design in the presence of correlated sampling. INFORMS Journal on Computing.
● 题目:Objective Selection for Cancer Treatment: An Inverse Optimization Approach
● 期刊:Operations Research
● 原文链接:https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/opre.2021.2192
● 作者:Temitayo Ajayi, Taewoo Lee, Andrew J. Schaefer
● 关键词:目标选择, 特征选择, 逆优化, 贪婪算法, 多目标优化, 放射治疗计划
● 摘要:
In radiation therapy treatment-plan optimization, selecting a set of clinical objectives that are tractable and parsimonious yet effective is a challenging task.
In clinical practice, this is typically done by trial and error based on the treatment planner’s subjective assessment, which often makes the planning process inefficient and inconsistent. We develop the objective selection problem that infers a sparse set of objectives for prostate cancer treatment planning based on historical treatment data.
We formulate the problem as a non-convex bilevel mixed-integer program using inverse optimization and highlight its connection with feature selection to propose multiple solution approaches, including greedy heuristics, regularized problems, as well as application-specific methods that utilize anatomical information of the patients.
● 文章结构:
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● 相关好文:
[1] G. Chandrashekar and F. Sahin. A survey on feature selection methods. Computers and Electrical Engineering.
[2] I. Guyon and A. Elisseeff. An introduction to variable and feature selection. Journal of Machine Learning Research.
● 题目:Optimal Product Design by Sequential Experiments in High Dimensions
● 期刊:Management Science
● 原文链接:https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/mnsc.2018.3088
● 作者:Mingyu Joo, Michael L. Thompson, Greg M. Allenby
● 关键词:设计标准, 预期改善, 交互作用, 随机搜索变量选择
● 摘要:
The identification of optimal product and package designs is challenged when attributes and their levels interact. Firms recognize this by testing trial products and designs prior to launch where the effects of interactions are revealed. A difficulty in conducting analysis for product design is dealing with the high dimensionality of the design space and the selection of promising product configurations for testing. We propose an experimental criterion for efficiently testing product profiles with high demand potential in sequential experiments. The criterion is based on the expected improvement in market share of a design beyond the current best alternative.
We also incorporate a stochastic search variable selection method to selectively estimate relevant interactions among the attributes. A validation experiment confirms that our proposed method leads to improved design concepts in a high-dimensional space compared to alternative methods.
● 文章结构:
● 核心解法及点评:
● 相关好文:
[1] George, Edward I., Robert E. McCulloch. 1993. Variable selection via gibbs sampling. Journal of the American Statistical Association.
[2] George, Edward I., Robert E. McCulloch. 1997. Approaches for bayesian variable selection. Statistica Sinica.
[3] Gilbride, Timothy J., Greg M. Allenby, Jeff D. Brazell. 2006. Models for heterogeneous variable selection. Journal of Marketing Research.